I recently watched Apollo 11, the 2019 documentary about the Moon landings which I’m slightly obsessed by. As the crowd gathered close to the Kennedy Space Centre to watch the most famous launch in history I noticed something interesting. The average American was not overweight in 1969. So what happened?
Last year I was at my in-laws about to enjoy a fabulous roast dinner. As I loaded my plate I suddenly ran out of room and thought what’s going on here? These plates are tiny. My mother-in-law, seeing my confusion, explained that we were eating from the dinner service they had been given when they got married some 50 years ago. The surface area of the plate was probably a third smaller.
And there in a nutshell you have it. The question about what to eat seems to have got very confusing indeed but the simple truth is probably that we are overeating. Many of us are also moving less. It’s the double whammy. So managing weight, in theory at least, is pretty simple. Eat less and move more - although the execution of course is not always as easy as the strategy!
When I want to manage my weight (pretty much all of the time) I use the services of fitnaturally who endorse eating a wide variety of whole foods but in the right portions. I cook a lot of the meals in our house now and find both the recipes and education from this small business invaluable. It’s run passionately by founder, Sally Pinnegar, and I encourage anyone looking to know more about food to try their services.
As I transition to a more plant focused diet, I’m finding it absolutely essential to keeping in the best of health and to support my active lifestyle.Of course there are times in your life when you seem to be doing everything right from a nutritional perspective but for one reason or another you don’t feel good at all or something doesn’t seem quite right. At times like these my family trust the services of our good friend, Kate Black at Bespoke Nutritional Therapy in Harpenden who helps us crack the code. Getting your nutrition right can be confusing but with the right help you can get back to simply enjoying food, glorious food, safe in the knowledge that what you eat is making you feel great and hopefully contributing positively to the way you feel about yourself.